Thursday, December 13, 2012

KE Week 7 - Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be call the sons of God (Matthew 5:9)

If peace is more than just the absence of conflict, what can we do to be active peacemakers?

1) Pick one or two people who have won the Nobel Peace Prize and reflect on the way(s) they used their gifts to improve our lives.  How can you create peace with your talents?

2)  The scriptures say its a good idea to "be quick to listen and slow to speak" (James 1:19).  This week hold your tongue in arguments, even when you think you are in the right.  Once you have listened, calmed down, and prayed about your response, then speak your mind.  Be in active peacemaker in a conflict.

3)  Give a friend a hug.  In fact, give a few.  Hugs are free.

4)  Todd Parr (a children's author) wrote The Peace Book, a book about the different ways peace can be made in our world. Buy a copy or check one out at the library and keep it with you.

5)  Chaos is a word that most people add to their vocabulary after having children.  Children aren't the most peaceful of all beings.  Volunteer to watch someone else's children this week or volunteer in your children's ministry this Sunday and give the regular volunteer a chance to hear the sermon.

6)  Consider people in your town who play an active role in peacemaking: police, teachers, civil servants, pastors.  Write them a letter of affirmation, make a donation, or prepare something special to show your appreciation.

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