Saturday, December 22, 2012

Week 8 - Blessed are those who are persecuted

"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"
Matthew 5:10

Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers.  Francis Chan

1) has a World Watch List that continually reports which countries suffer the greatest persecution for their religious beliefs.  Download the list and pray for a different area each night.

2)  The Voice of the Martyrs is a nonprofit group that strives to make the world aware of the persecution  Christians suffer.  Go to their site at  Become a part of Be-A-Voice network, then find the profile of a persecuted Christian and make a commitment to write to an pray for this person.

3)  Chances are, you sit with the same people at church or at work.  Try to switch it up this week and get out of the normal routine - sit in a different pew or invite someone different to lunch.  Get to know them, learn their story, show mercy.

4)  Go to and search under United States, Mexico, or UK to inform yourself about persecution near you.

5)  Visit and order a free IDOP (International Day of Prayer) kit.  Use it to make your church or youth group aware of the needs of persecuted Christians around the world.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

KE Week 7 - Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be call the sons of God (Matthew 5:9)

If peace is more than just the absence of conflict, what can we do to be active peacemakers?

1) Pick one or two people who have won the Nobel Peace Prize and reflect on the way(s) they used their gifts to improve our lives.  How can you create peace with your talents?

2)  The scriptures say its a good idea to "be quick to listen and slow to speak" (James 1:19).  This week hold your tongue in arguments, even when you think you are in the right.  Once you have listened, calmed down, and prayed about your response, then speak your mind.  Be in active peacemaker in a conflict.

3)  Give a friend a hug.  In fact, give a few.  Hugs are free.

4)  Todd Parr (a children's author) wrote The Peace Book, a book about the different ways peace can be made in our world. Buy a copy or check one out at the library and keep it with you.

5)  Chaos is a word that most people add to their vocabulary after having children.  Children aren't the most peaceful of all beings.  Volunteer to watch someone else's children this week or volunteer in your children's ministry this Sunday and give the regular volunteer a chance to hear the sermon.

6)  Consider people in your town who play an active role in peacemaking: police, teachers, civil servants, pastors.  Write them a letter of affirmation, make a donation, or prepare something special to show your appreciation.

Monday, December 3, 2012

KE Week 6 - Blessed are the pure in heart

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.   Matthew 5:8

"He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart."  - C.S. Lewis

Jewish laws stated many specifics about outward cleanliness but avoided specifics about cleanliness of the heart.   Are we simply following rules or are our actions guided by a pure heart.

1) Unplug from all media activity for a week as a means to simplify your life.  Instead of watching TV or surfing the internet, spend some time outside.  Seek God and listen.

2)  Visit your church when nobody is there. Pray in silence for the people of your community.  Pray for others' struggles and addictions as well as your own.  Light a candle to symbolize each person you raised up in prayer.

3)  Sign up for the accountability program at  It doesn't matter if you have ever struggled with an internet addiction or not.  This is a safeguard against future temptation.  xxxchurch will help keep you accountable to having a pure heart when on the computer.

4)  Carve out space every morning to memorize Ps. 139:23-24.  Pray the verses for a week, asking God to reveal those area of your life that act as a block in your relationship with him.

5)  If you don't already have an accountability partner, seek out a trusted friend and set up times to meet regularly.  Use these times to share joys, struggles, temptations, and everyday life.  One of the main reasons God created the body of Christ was so we could encourage and support one another through this faith journey.

6)  Purity doesn't stop at the physical boundaries we set for ourselves.  It also involves how we treat our bodies and the earth around us.  You may love your bag of Cheetos, but for one week eat fresh foods.  Refill a reusable water bottle instead of wasting plastic disposable bottles.  See how purity comes in all shapes and sizes.

7) Take a candle to the people you prayed for this week.  Include a note explaining that you lifted them up in prayer.