Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. (Matthew 5:7)
Jesus says we will be blessed if we are merciful. But being merciful isn't always easy, especially with people who don't deserve it. I think this week will be the hardest yet for me.
1) We all know a moocher or someone who owes us. Forgive their debt, big or small, and forget about it.
2) Think about some pet peeves you have based on what others do. Recognize that you have your own behaviors that drive others crazy. Because of this, make room for others' quirks by refusing to whine about them.
3) We've all had waiters or waitresses who forgot our drinks or messed up our order. Maybe he or she was having a bad day. Use some of your money to give a bad restaurant server a good tip this week just because you know that mercy is a good thing.
4) Collect some money and give it to someone to pay their traffic fine. Christ paid a price for us that we didn't deserve. Practice this and be grateful.
5) It's easy to be skeptical of beggars on the street. Don't think about how they became homeless. Show mercy by going to a local homeless outreach that feeds those who are hungry. Smile and look for the stories behind the eyes.
6) Hurry often short-circuits our ability to be patient. Lack of patience then leads to a lack of compassion when others force us to slow down. This week practice do some spiritual training in patience - drive to and from work, or wherever, without passing anyone.
7) Completely unaware of other people's feelings. Dominates conversation. Throws you under the bus. Can never admit to being wrong. We all have friends who have tried our patience or has betrayed our trust. Rise above the frustration. Be the friend you wish he or she could be and don't hold a grudge if that person doesn't seem to change.