Sunday, April 15, 2012

weekend recap

As the weekend comes to a close, I am able to spend a few minutes to reflect on the highs and lows.  This is an exercise for parents to use with children that is based on highs and lows. At the end of the day a parent simply asks their child what the best and worst parts of the day were.  After that they look at ways God was a part of each.  A simple and effective form of bonding and evangelism.

Highs:  Re-learning to play Uno.  Not so much the game but the fellowship that went with it.  It was a chance to spend time with good friends with no discussions about schedules, agendas, goals, etc. Unfortunately, I also found out that I stink at Uno.

Lows:  A close friend of ours had to be flown to Charlotte after suffering a seizure.   It was a scary and stressful event for the family but the staff at CMC is top notch and he is doing much better today, praise God!

God moments:  I was reminded about the value of friends and family and how thankful  and fortunate I am to have both.  After Jesus' resurrection, Thomas wanted physical evidence that Christ was alive again and this weekend I witnessed plenty of proof that Jesus was alive in many people around me.

"Is any pleasure on Earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?" - C.S. Lewis

Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Nobody can tell your testimony as well as you can."

Julie and I attended a prayer service a couple days and this quote really stuck with me.  The message is simple enough but one that is especially difficult for people to follow.  I instantly felt convicted when I heard those words because that theme has been reflected in several of my messages of late.

In an effort to literally "practice what I preach", I hope this forum will help to reach a group of people who I may not be able to reach through my spoken words.

Simply put, this is a chance for me to share the stops in my life journey and to share these experiences that will ultimately "lead me back to home".